Thoughts from the Porch – Post #2

May 23, 2018

On May 4th, the Carlton Landing Association met for its annual meeting. We had a good discussion and covered a lot of ground. We elected two officers to the Executive Board – David Kimmel for a 2-year term and Austin Tunnell for a 1-year term. I am so thankful for Austin’s and David’s willingness to serve and to lead. At the Association meeting, we spent a fair bit of time discussing General Assessments and Maintenance Zones. Rather than repeat everything that was said, I’ve link to the video from our Facebook live post and you can watch it for yourself. In the future, we’ll be using FaceBook Live and an audio call-in number so that everyone has a chance to participate, even if you can’t physically make it to the meeting. Facebook Video Link:
The Association is the quasi-public entity created to provide a framework for community communication, governance, and maintenance of the common areas. While there is sometimes confusion about which functions or responsibilities fall under the Town or the Association, there are clear lines of separation and defined responsibilities so that the relationship between the Town and Association is complementary and not redundant. I say this because there have been a couple issues brought up by homeowners over the past few weeks which needed to be clarified as Association issues. If you have any questions about what relates to the Town and what relates to the Association, just ask.
Last week, I spent 4 days in Savannah, GA for the 26th annual Congress of New Urbanism (“CNU”). It was a great event with more than 1,600 in attendance. CNU is the organization founded by Andres Duany (our Town’s master planner) and a handful of urban thinkers who promote the creation of walkable, sustainable urban places (some like Carlton Landing, but most are located in urban infill locations.) I’ve attended a half dozen times or so and always get a lot out of it. This year, Carlton Landing was well represented with Clay Chapman, Austin Tunnell, and Daryl Nieto also in attendance. Clay had received the honor or winning the Michael Barranco Award in 2017 and taught a workshop this year for the New Urban Guild, a collection of architects who design the homes and buildings found in New Urbanist projects.
One of the key takeaways from CNU26 for me was from a message by Dr. Julian Agyeman. He spoke on the idea of “just sustainabilities”. Because of the way “sustainability” has been framed and marketed, most people tend to think of ecological stewardship or the green movement when they hear “sustainable”. Agyeman expanded the concept with an idea that true, complete sustainability considers justice as an outcome. He further defines the outcomes of justice in terms of food (food justice, urban agriculture), space and place (the democratization of our streets), and culture (how to create culturally inclusive spaces, intercultural communities, green-collar jobs, and alternative economic models). I’ve purchased his book and will be working through it over the coming days/weeks (it’s a thick, thoughtful read), and welcome any dialogue/feedback on these kinds of issues if you want to chat.
Swim Beach and Town Green – Sod is laid and the Swim Beach will receive on THURSDAY.
The marina gangway relocation was completed last week. It works well and has an easy, accessible grade. All infrastructure is now located within the Leased Premises.
This past weekend, the Town of Carlton Landing allocated more than $10,000 to approve a trails design proposal with an Austin-based trail design firm, KOM. The trails will enhance bicycle activity within the Nature Center area.
Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee voted 21-0 to approve the 2018 WRDA bill. See the press release HERE. The bill will come before the Senate for a vote sometime this summer. With the unanimous vote of the committee, we expect that the WRDA bill will pass without any friction. I’ll keep you in the loop as that vote date approaches. I’ve linked a copy of the final WRDA bill draft. You can find it HERE. There is one portion of the WRDA bill that I wanted to highlight because it relates specifically to our work in Carlton Landing. Section 1029 (Page 47-50 and shown below) introduces the “Enhanced Development Demonstration Program”. If the bill is passed and signed into law as we expect, we will provide the Corps with a written request inquiring if the USACE identifies Carlton Landing as an area suitable for enhanced development. If it is the Corps’ determination that this is the case, we will then work with USACE staff to consider how that might expand the Town of Carlton Landing’s plans for development within the leased premises.
Some have asked about events throughout the summer. We’ve brought on Sarah Tunnell to help as an event coordinator. (Yea Sarah!) She’ll help everyone stay in the know and give a great summer of programming.
I’ve said it many times before – urbanism and architecture are the hardware of an urban system. but every computer needs software to operate. It’s the events, programming, and shared culture that is that software. Sarah will do much to help keep our town running through her work as the event coordinator.
This weekend is the big Memorial Day Weekend. We honor the veterans who have made possible our freedom and defended our liberty. THANK YOU to those who have served.
See you soon!


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